Fuel Your Adventures: Why I Love Laird Superfood for Traveling - Bo Stanley

Posted on September 19, 2024

Fuel Your Adventures: Why I Love Laird Superfood for Traveling -  Bo Stanley


Traveling is one of the greatest joys in life. Exploring new places, meeting new people, and experiencing different cultures enriches our lives in countless ways!

My name is Bo Stanley. I am a lifelong waterwoman and a former competitive surfer with over 15 years of competition experience. After retiring from competition, I shifted my focus to my other passions, becoming a certified nutritionist and personal trainer specializing in women's health and wellness.


Surfing has always been more than just a sport to me; it is a way of life that represents the pursuit of strength, balance, and peak performance both in and out of the water. I aspire to surf for as long as possible, and achieving longevity in any sport or activity is rooted in maintaining our health and strength. With proper nutrition and focused strength training, I believe that we can ensure a lifetime of vitality and the ability to engage in the activities we love. Whether our goal is to surf until we’re 90, pick up our grandkids, hike, or swim,you name it: I believe that maintaining proper muscle mass through sufficient protein intake and strength training is essential to this!

Throughout my health and wellness journey, I was in search of a morning creamer that wouldn’t cause feelings of bloating or an energy crash. Two things I had been battling. After spending six months eliminating all processed foods and then reintroducing certain foods one by one to observe their impact, I discovered Laird Superfood Creamer. It was the only creamer that didn’t affect my energy levels, cause the feelings of bloating I had previously been struggling with, or trigger inflammation. My markers for both feelings of bloat and inflammation were stomach distention, achy joints where I had previously had injuries, low energy, sleep disturbances, and efficient daily bowel movement. That’s when my love for the company began, as I realized they truly made products with real food ingredients my body could trust, as none of my markers went off. When your body recognizes something as real food, lacking preservatives and fillers, it processes through it efficiently. That's what we are looking for, and that's the feeling we deserve to have with food and products we buy!

As a surfer, I'm always on the move, searching for the best waves around the globe. I've brought Laird Superfood products along with me everywhere I go—from far-off islands in the Mentawais to my favorite secret surf spots in Baja, from Hawaii to Alaska and beyond. However, one aspect of traveling that can often be a challenge is maintaining proper nutrition. With the hustle and bustle of travel, it's easy to fall into the trap of unhealthy eating, and let's face it, how many of us feel worse during and after traveling because of how we're eating? I'm here to tell you, it doesn't have to be that way! That's where Laird Superfood comes in, offering a range of clean, nutritious products that make it easy to stay healthy on the go in a handful of extremely important areas.

As a surfer and an explorer who loves being on the go, I need to stay feeling my most optimal, and proper nutrition is my foundation. That's one of the biggest reasons I love Laird Superfood single serve products. They are easy to take on the go. From their protein bars, which are an absolute non-negotiable while traveling for me, to their single-serving greens, sweet and creamy instant latte with adaptogens, and hydrate and electrolyte single packs, I bring all of these with me. These are products I trust to keep me feeling my best, and my body knows how to digest them.

When I'm traveling, I can continue to feel my most energized self without being slowed down by foods and products my body isn't used to. Traveling doesn't have to mean letting go of what works for your body. You can stay on track so your mood, energy levels, and sleep stay regular, and for me most importantly I can jump off the plane straight into the surf and perform my best in the lineup. You just have to prepare a little, and Laird Superfood single serving products and protein bars make that extra easy.

Why I like to maintain consistency in my nutrition while traveling:

Maintaining proper nutrition for me while traveling is essential and here is why:

Energy Levels: Travel can be exhausting. Long flights, time zone changes, and packed itineraries can take a toll on your energy levels. Proper nutrition helps keep your energy up so you can make the most of your trip! (preparing and eating the right food can help you make the most out of all of the money and time spent getting to your destination!)

Immune System Support: Traveling exposes you to new environments and germs, making you more susceptible to getting sick. A healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports your immune system, helping you stay healthy. (So when you show up and the surf is pumping, or the adventure is waiting, you can head straight off the plane into it feeling your best!)

Mental Clarity: Eating proper nutrition improves your mental clarity and mood, which is essential when navigating new places and making travel decisions. Or paddling out in overhead surf or new surf spots!

Overall Well-Being: Good nutrition contributes to your overall well-being, making your travel experience more enjoyable and allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the adventure!

Why I Love Laird Superfoods for Traveling

Laird Superfood has become my go-to brand for maintaining proper nutrition while traveling. Here are a few reasons why I love their products and how I use them:

Instant Latte: The sweet and creamy instant latte with adaptogens is perfect for my morning coffee. The creamer you use first thing in the morning can affect the rest of your day, and this one sets a positive tone with its delicious taste and real food ingredients your body processes efficiently so there are no feelings of bloat or energy let down.

Hydration Packs: Their hydration packs are a lifesaver, especially since they aren't filled with sugar and additives like most hydration drinks or products. I use them to stay hydrated while flying and in between surf sessions, ensuring my body gets the necessary electrolytes without any harmful ingredients.

Protein Bars: Their protein bars are an absolute non-negotiable while traveling. Packed with 10 grams of protein per bar, they are filled with clean, real ingredients that my body can trust, providing me with sustained energy and nourishment on the go. I am known to eat 2 a day while traveling and usually save a solid amount of room in my board bags for them!

Single-Serving Greens: It's often hard to get your greens in while traveling, especially in places where greens are hard to access. Especially for us surfers, in some of these far off destination surf spots. The single-serving greens are perfect for ensuring I get my daily dose of vegetables, no matter where I am!

In conclusion, what I want readers to takeaway is that you can continue feeling your best no matter where you are. Your health and well-being don't have to take a back seat while traveling or even in far-off destinations. By using products like Laird Superfood, which your body can trust with real food ingredients, and lack of preservatives and fillers, you ensure that you are properly fueled. Remember, your body deserves the best, and you deserve to feel your best at all times!

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