Immune Moon Juice Recipe

Posted on May 26, 2021

Laird Superfood Immune Moon Juice Recipe

A delicious new take on a favorite!

This immune boosting moon juice is the perfect thing to cozy up with and sip.

Immune Moon Juice


  • 3 Cup almond milk
  • 1 Activate Immune Packet
  • 2 ounce raspberry juice
  • 2 T agave nectar
  • ½ t. Ashwaganda powder
  • Dried culinary roses or freeze-dried raspberries for garnish

Slowly warm all ingredients (not garnish) over low-med head, stirring constantly with whisk. Once ingredients are infused and warmed, pour into mug and garnish with culinary roses, or dried raspberry pieces.

Makes 2-3 Servings


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