Conventional Coffee: Most Loaded With Pesticides. A Case for Organic Coffee
Posted on April 15, 2016

Most coffee drinkers sip away without a single thought of where their coffee comes from or how it is produced. Like many food products, where or how the food is grown is often an afterthought. Unfortunately for coffee drinkers, coffee grown in third-world countries can be literally saturated with toxic chemicals!
In some countries, coffee is considered a “non-food” crop and traditional regulations for pesticide use often do not apply. Translation – coffee crops may saturated with toxic pesticides.
Glyphosate & The Coffee Industry
One such chemical used in the coffee industry is glyphosate. Wait a minute! I though glyphosate was only used in GMO crops - apparently not. Farmers use it to control weeds coffee plantations. Few people are aware of this. Follow this link for some science on this.. Glyphosate spray drift in Coffee arabica - sensitivity of coffee plants and possible use of shikimic acid as a biomarker for glyphosate exposure.
If you think that is bad, DDT was found in coffee samples in Ethiopia (along with every other pesticide tested). The take home point here is that coffee grown without organic methods and grown in under-regulated countries should be scrutinized further for the sake of public health. See the scientific journal article here Journal of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
It always amazes us; the looks we get in coffee shops when we ask if their coffee is organic. People look at us sideways. We urge everyone to advocate for organic coffee when purchasing and educate others on the importance of clean, high quality coffee beans.
Laird Superfood coffee is shade-grown, mold-free, low-acid, grown without the use of pesticides, hand picked, slow roasted and great tasting! Enjoy a cup today.
Thank you for organic shade grown coffee. Good for the birds, too!!! Now when I drink coffee I’m going to taste chemicals, pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides if it’s not organic. Thank you for educating us.
Thank you for organic shade grown coffee. Good for the birds, too!!! Now when I drink coffee I’m going to taste chemicals, pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides if it’s not organic. Thank you for educating us.